Friday, October 11, 2013

PRINT is not dead.

Print advertising is a necessary channel for your advertising campaign and must be included in addition to online marketing strategies.

Print vs. Online Marketing
Print advertising offers a personal touch and connection with your target market. Online advertising techniques like Google Adwords and SEO are fast growing trends, but they are not something tangible that potential customers can hold in their hands. The highest goal of an internet campaign is to get your target market to click on your link. However, once your customer clicks away from the search query, your advertisement is soon forgotten.

What Online Advertising Can't Do
Print advertising is impressionable. When you use channels such as magazine articles and flyers, there is a higher chance that your potential customers will interact with it.  In fact, the Magazine Publishers of America conducted a study which revealed that 24% of people will pass on a magazine article to another person, 23% keep the article for later, and 13% eventually visit the website directly.

Why You Need Both
Print advertising  adds value to your message. Online advertising is cheap and easy, and targeted campaigns can be very effective for website traffic. However, putting your advertisement on paper shows how much it means to you. When you find your message valuable, so will potential customers. A comStore survey recently showed that customers are twice as likely to make an online purchase if they receive a printed catalog.

Print advertising makes your message personal. While internet advertising is incredibly streamlined and technical, print advertising allows you to connect with your customer's emotions.  Color, tone and balance are all integral principles of a successful print advertising campaign. Talented graphic designers can touch the values, hopes and dreams of your target market. This creates a quality connection rather than a mass produced message.

Gary Graves is the Principal of the helps small business owners and company purchasers to maximize their dollars being spent by ordering online and still get a high-quality product.  Once an order is placed you can track the order from uploading to proofing, to printing and cutting and finally delivery to your front door. offer all business products such as business cards, letterhead, brochures, flyer, postcards as well as direct mail services and digital printing for small quantities.

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