Friday, November 22, 2013

7 Steps to Direct Mail Success For Your Business

Direct mail is still one of the most popular means used to reach out to your customers. To increase the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign, follow this step-by-step guide.

First, come up with a targeted marketing plan. Set a goal for your direct marketing piece, such as lead generation or sales. Make sure your direct mail is working with your other marketing channels. Plan to deliver your mail at least four times to get a response.

Second, create a targeted mailing list. Profile your target market and create a list that you can send direct mail to at least four times. Categorize the names on the list into existing customers, prospects/leads, and suspects. Make sure there are no duplicates and that all the information is complete and accurate.

Third, define the offer you will give. Your offer must be relevant to your target market and create a sense of exclusiveness and urgency to action. Your offer must be specific and only promote one thing at a time. Try offering a dollar amount in savings, rather than a percentage, and give a guarantee when possible.

Fourth, choose an appropriate mailing format. Your options include postcards, catalogs, flyers, packages, dimensional, and letters. According to the DMA, postcards are the most readable format you can choose, but contain the least amount of space for detailed information.

Fifth, design your mailer. To increase readability, create a large and short headline, and a body in which least 65% of the words are five letters or less. Only create one call-to-action, a strong image, and include your contact information.

Sixth, find a way to save on postage. Postcards are cheaper to send than parcels, and standard mail is cheaper than first class. You can receive an additional discount if you sort your mail by zip code.

Seventh, track your results. Your metrics should be based on the goals of your campaign. You can do this by tracking orders, or asking customers how they heard about your company.

Gary Graves is the Principal of the helps small business owners and company purchasers to maximize their dollars being spent by ordering online and providing a high-quality product.  Once an order is placed you can track the order from uploading to proofing, to printing and cutting and finally delivery to your front door. offer all printed business products such as business cards, letterhead, brochures, flyer, postcards as well as direct mail services and digital printing for small quantities.

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips for any direct mail campaign. What my company does to save on postage in our mail room is to use a postage meter. It saves us a lot of time by having whatever postage already available to us as well as the time in calculating what postage to use and avoids any mistakes. We also invested in tools like letter folders to help reduce overhead further by decreasing time spend through our direct mail campaign.
